About Get Ahead Flash Cards

What are Get Ahead Flash Cards?

Get Ahead Flash Cards are Australia’s first flash cards for primary school maths designed to make learning maths easy and enjoyable.

The flash cards contain the latest Australian Mathematics Curriculum (Version 9) for each year level of primary school from Foundation through to Year 6.

Each box of Get Ahead Flash Cards contains a comprehensive set of 200 maths flash cards, covering the content strands including Number, Algebra, Measurement, Space, Statistics and Probability. Each flash card features a question on the front and a worked answer on the back, making them perfect for kids to learn, reinforce, and revise key maths concepts in a fun and interactive way.

The Flash Cards are a powerful tool for helping your child learn maths and build their confidence. The collection of Get Ahead Maths Flash Cards for primary school maths (Foundation to Year 6) are available to order here.

The flash cards form the basis of an exciting new maths program called the Get Ahead Maths Journey. Learn more about the Get Ahead Maths Journey.

Benefits of Get Ahead Flash Cards


The Get Ahead Flash Cards are primarily designed to help students learn the primary maths curriculum (Australian Maths Curriculum, Version 9). The flash cards make primary maths easy so the student can quickly master the topics and build confidence. Flash cards are a well-known and successful method of study in secondary school and particularly tertiary education and health professionals. The Get Ahead Flash Cards simply bring these benefits into primary math.


The Get Ahead Flash Cards are also designed to help students reinforce the primary maths they have learnt. Students tend to forget information they have learnt quickly which means a few days after a maths class, as much as 75% of what was learned has been forgotten. This can be countered by frequent repetition as every time material is repeated, more information is retained. The Get Ahead Flash Cards can be used to help students retain the information they have learnt.


The Get Ahead Flash Cards are extremely useful for revision. Revision before an exam is a useful way to refresh your memory and consolidate the information. The maths curriculum for an entire year can be revised extremely fast using the flash cards allowing the student to revise all the topics in a very short period.

Diagnostic tool

The Get Ahead Flash Cards are a very efficient diagnostic tool. The flash cards can very quickly help identify the topics the student is having problems with. Help can then be sought on a very specific topic from either parents, teachers, tutors or others. Rather than simply knowing that your child is struggling with maths or the topic of fractions, the flash cards would help provide information on specific topics your child is struggling with such as equivalent fractions, proper and improper fractions, converting fractions to decimals, addition and subtractions of fractions, simplifying fractions, multiplication and division of fractions on shown on the particular flash cards.

Teaching tool

The Get Ahead Flash Cards are a very useful teaching tool. The question-and-answer format of the flash cards means that primary school teachers, tutors, family and others such as parents, grandparents, siblings (even younger siblings who will pick up some ideas from asking the questions and hearing the answers) and peers can help the student learn, reinforce and revise the flash cards.

Format of the Get Ahead Flash Cards

The cards are written in simple words which are easy to understand. The cards feature bright and colourful illustrations, images and pictures, especially in the early years, to aid the learning process and to make it fun for young minds.

The cards are arranged in a question-and-answer format with the question on the front and the answer on the back. This makes learning the content and testing for mastery extremely efficient.

The answers to the various maths questions are provided as worked examples in a standard format of Step 1, Step 2, Step 3... and so on.

How to use Get Ahead Flash Cards

In the early years (Foundation to Year 3), the parent and student can work through the cards together. In later years (Year 3 to Year 6), the student may be able to work through the cards on their own with some assistance.

To use the Get Ahead Flash Cards:
First, take a quick look at the 200 cards with the student to get a feel for the topics covered that year.

Second, the student can learn the maths concepts by aiming to understand each flash card. As each card is understood and mastered which means the student can answer the question correctly including any checks, the card should be placed behind the 'Mastered’ separator card provided.

Third, once all cards are mastered, the process is repeated with the aim of learning each card so the student can retain the information for longer. The cards are not meant to be learnt word for word. However, definitions and maths facts such as counting in number, decimals, fractions and percentages, fraction wall and metric conversion factors to name a few must have a high degree of automatic recall. The aim is to memorise the cards so that the topics and maths facts can be recalled quickly. The theory behind this is that the working memory can only hold a few items at a time. Working memory is needed to solve maths problems. If it can be freed up because basic facts and methods are known, then more of the working memory can be devoted to solving the actual problem itself.

Lastly, once the student has well and truly mastered the flash cards through learning and reinforcing, the entire year can be revised in a few hours leading up to an exam. The cards can be gone through one by one extremely fast requiring less than one minute per card. In revision mode, the answers are recalled verbally rather than writing them down. This allows the student to revise all the topics in the curriculum for the entire year in a very short period.

Content covered in the Get Ahead Flash Cards

Each box of Get Ahead Flash Cards contains a comprehensive set of 200 maths flash cards for each year of primary maths from Foundation through to Year 6.

Each set of flash cards covers all of the strands and topics for each year based on the latest Australian Mathematics Curriculum (Version 9). The maths content covers all the proficiencies including understanding, fluency, problem solving and reasoning.

Each flash card features a colour-coded system which identifies the strand (e.g. Number), the topic (e.g. Fractions) and the content number (e.g. AC9M3N02). 

The Australian maths curriculum is a spiral curriculum which means that the topics are gradually explored in increasing depth from one year to the next.

The content on the flash cards for previous years is not repeated in later years. As a result, students struggling with maths need to go back to earlier years in order to not miss any content and to build strong foundations. Ideally, all students should complete the entire sets from Foundation to Year 6.

The strands and topics covered in the Get Ahead Flash Cards:


Strands: The flash cards cover five content strands including Number, Algebra, Measurement, Space and Statistics. 

Topics: Within each strand, various topics are covered such as counting, CPA (Concrete, Pictorial Abstract), open-ended questions, subitising, ten frames, groups, Australian money, partitioning, number bonds, word problems, addition, subtraction, patterns, length, mass, capacity, time, 2D shapes, 3D shapes, position, data and so on.

Year 1

Strands: The flash cards cover five content strands including Number, Algebra, Measurement, Space and Statistics.

Topics: Within each strand, various topics are covered such as tally marks, even and odd numbers, hundreds chart, number names, ordering, estimation, number line, rounding, doubles, halves, place value, MAB blocks, arrow cards, skip counting, addition, subtraction, jump strategy, split strategy, think board, Australian money, patterns, length, mass, capacity, duration, lines, quadrilateral, parallelogram, rhombus, flip, slide, turn, position, picture graphs and so on.

Year 2

Stands: The flash cards cover five content strands including Number, Algebra, Measurement, Space and Statistics.

Topics: Within each strand, various topics are covered such as rounding, fractions, addition and subtraction wheels, compensation strategy, bar model, array, multiplication, division, problem solving strategies, patterns, displacement, perimeter, balance scales, calendar, grids, column graphs and so on.

Year 3

Stands: The flash cards cover six content strands including Number, Algebra, Measurement, Space, Statistics and Probability.

Topics: Within each strand, various topics are covered such as place value, expanded notation, fractions, compensation strategy, column addition and subtraction, bar model, patterns, multiplication, division, fact families, metric conversions, balance scales, time, analog and digital clocks, angles, faces, edges, corners, nets, grid coordinates, maps, graphs, probability line and so on.  

Year 4

Stands: The flash cards cover six content strands including Number, Algebra, Measurement, Space, Statistics and Probability.

Topics: Within each strand, various topics are covered such as decimals, equivalent fractions, even and odd numbers, fraction wall, mixed numbers, proper and improper fractions, multiplying and dividing by powers of 10, column addition and subtraction, contracted multiplication, short division, area model, problem solving strategies, unit cost, money change, bar model, multiples, patterns, ratio, missing numbers, metric conversions, perimeter, area, volume, am and pm time, timeline, time difference, angles, compass, symmetry, tessellation, dependent and independent events, spinners and so on.

Year 5

Stands: The flash cards cover six content strands including Number, Algebra, Measurement, Space, Statistics and Probability.

Topics: Within each strand, various topics are covered such as decimals, fractions, place value, factors, divisibility tests, factor tree, prime factors, convert fractions to decimals and vice versa, percentage, addition and subtraction of fractions, simplify fractions, multiplication algorithm and area model, Japanese multiplication, division with remainders, rounding, Venn diagram, problem solving methods, GST, unit price, patterns, HCF, LCM, volume, metric conversion factors, perimeter, geoboard, 12- and 24 hour time, duration, protractor, triangles, nets, directions, reflection, rotation, enlargement, grid scales, dot plots, probability line, combinations and so on.  

Year 6

Stands: The flash cards cover six content strands including Number, Algebra, Measurement, Space, Statistics and Probability.

Topics: Within each strand, various topics are covered such as integers, directed numbers, squaring, square roots, prime and composite numbers, indices, averages, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of fractions and decimals, percentages, expanded notation of decimal numbers, multiplying and dividing decimals by powers of 10, rounding decimals, discount, geometric sequences, patterns, order of operations, metric conversions, area of rectangles and triangles, perimeter of composite shapes, volume and surface areas of prisms, timetables, timelines, speed, properties of angles and a circle, views of 3D objects, Cartesian plane, reflection, translation, rotation, tessellation, horizontal bar graph, pie graph, 2-way tables, side-by-side column graph, double line graph, mode, frequency, probability spinners, choosing cards and tossing coins and so on.

Type of maths problems covered in the Get Ahead Flash Cards

Word problems

The flash cards feature word problems which are explained clearly with worked examples provided to show how they are solved. This is important as word problems are challenging for many students.

Multiple choice questions

The flash cards feature multiple choice questions to help the student become familiar with the techniques of solving multiple choice questions.

Definitions and maths facts

The flash cards feature definitions of key maths concepts and maths facts. The student should aim to achieve a high degree of automatic recall for the definitions and maths facts such as counting in number, decimals, fractions and percentages, fraction wall and metric conversion factors to name a few. The flash cards also feature maths facts featured on the wall charts on the walls in classrooms which are useful to learn and remember.

Problem-solving methods

The flash cards feature various problem-solving methods. This is important as students need to have a good grasp on how to solve maths problems.

The flash cards cover the following problem-solving methods: Polya’s problem solving technique, Neumann’s prompts and the CUBES step-by-step method. The home activities pack includes RUCSAC, RIDES, FISH, SOLVE, REASON and UPSCheck.

The flash cards for the early year cover various problem-solving strategies extensively such as draw a diagram, list or table, guess, check and refine, working backwards, solve a simpler problem first and so on to get a head start on problem solving.

Problem-solving technique: Bar model

The flash cards feature the problem-solving technique known as the bar model. The bar model is one of the most important problem-solving techniques recently introduced for the first time into the latest Australian Maths Curriculum (Version 9) by ACARA. The bar model is an excellent problem solving method and a good lead into secondary school algebra. The bar model has been used extensively and successfully in Singapore Maths.

Concrete, Pictorial and Abstract (CPA)

The flash cards cover the Concrete, Pictorial and Abstract (CPA) method of teaching used extensively in Singapore Maths (considered one of the best Maths Curriculums in the world). The various methods of modern maths teaching that parents may not be familiar with are covered in the flash cards including Multibase Arithmetic Blocks (MAB blocks), ten frames, number houses, number lines, arrow cards, number expanders, number bonds, rainbow facts, subitising, hefting, think boards and open-ended questions to name some. Parents are no longer locked out of helping their children because of the jargon or not being familiar with the new methods of doing maths that they may not have been taught in their school days.

These modern methods are nothing more than strategies to help students get a good understanding of what numbers mean and once that has been achieved, they can be discarded. Secondary school students do not use MAB blocks, or ten frames or number expanders and so on.

Checking the answers

Where possible, the flash cards show the workings of how to check your answer. All students are encouraged to check their answers as maths requires both speed and accuracy. The flash cards show at least one method (up to three methods in some cases) to check your answer. Even the early years includes how to check your answers as its important to teach your child the importance of checking answers from early on. Estimation is used to check answers, where possible. When estimation is formally covered in the curriculum in later years, students who have used the flash cards will already be familiar with it.

Which Flash Cards should we order?

The mathematics curriculum in Australia is a spiral curriculum meaning that topics are gradually taught over several years, with each topic getting harder with each subsequent year. None of the content in the flash cards is repeated across year levels.

For children struggling with primary school maths, we recommend ordering the flash cards for their current year (for example, Year 3) and all previous year levels (for example, Foundation, Year 1, and Year 2).

For children with knowledge gaps or who need to consolidate their maths skills, we recommend ordering the flash cards for their current year (for example, Year 3) and all previous year levels (for example, Foundation, Year 1, and Year 2).

For children who are advanced in primary school maths, we recommend ordering the flash cards for their current year (for example, Year 3) and two higher year levels (for example, Year 4 and Year 5). Children who are doing well may also wish to consolidate their maths skills or address any knowledge gaps by ordering the flash cards for previous year levels (for example, Foundation, Year 1, and Year 2).

Diagnostics: Free Diagnostic Tests have been designed to help determine the student’s maths level and to help decide which sets of flash cards to start with. Download the free Diagnostic Tests here.

Maths is built on foundations and these foundations need to be solid. Although it will cost more to order additional flash card sets for your child to cover the previous year levels and/or higher years, we believe it is worthwhile and essential in building a strong grounding in maths in the early years from which to launch into helping your child get ahead (aiming for up to 2 years ahead).

Cost of Get Ahead Flash Cards

At $195 for a year set, the flash cards are not cheap. However, we believe helping your child reach their full potential, building their confidence and instilling a love of learning is priceless. The flash cards make learning maths fun and engaging.

Some of the benefits of the maths flash cards:

Flash cards are cheaper than tutoring: The cards are very cheap compared to maths tutoring which can cost around $65 per hour or $2600 per year or even more. Some tutoring companies charge much more in the tens of thousands of dollars. The cost of the cards is fully recovered after three hours of tutoring.

Flash cards help consolidate knowledge: Some children may have difficulty retaining information in class and/or from tutoring. The flash cards allow your child to review each topic at their own pace until they have consolidated their knowledge and have successfully mastered the topic.

Flash cards help monitor child’s progress: Parents are often left in the dark about what topics were covered in class and/or tutoring and whether their child was able to understand and apply the key concepts. With the flash cards, parents are able to keep track of which topics their child has successfully mastered (using the separator card labelled ‘Mastered’) and which topics need more focus and learning.

Flash cards save time driving to tutoring: The flash cards can be used at home so can save parents time driving their child to and from tutoring premises.

Flash cards save time researching curriculum: The flash cards save parents time in researching maths topics as the topics are all in one place. The set of flash cards cover the curriculum for the full year.

Flash cards cost can be shared across siblings: The cost of cards can be shared with siblings as they can be passed on from one sibling to the next.

What is the Home Activities Pack?

The Get Ahead Home Activities Pack contains a series of activities for you and your child to complete at home at their own pace. The home activities are designed to reinforce various topics in the Get Ahead Flash Cards.

The Get Ahead Home Activities Pack contains a series of downloadable PDF files:

1. Tables (+ – × ÷) and Tests

2. Maths in the Real World

3. Nets Cutouts

The Get Ahead Home Activities Pack is a available to download here for free. Customers are emailed a link to the Home Activities Pack to download at the time of ordering to allow you and your child to start:

1. Learning the tables (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) and do the tests on the tables.

2. Doing home activities that bring maths into the real world whilst reinforcing understanding of primary maths.

3. Creating 3D shapes from the nets cutouts provided to help consolidate their knowledge and understanding of nets of 3D objects.

What is the Get Ahead Maths Journey?

The Get Ahead Maths Journey is an exciting new maths program designed to help primary school aged children to become good at problem solving and to love maths!

The Get Ahead Maths Journey has two key parts:

Get Ahead Flash Cards: Flash cards are at the core of the Get Ahead Maths Journey. Each box of flash cards contains a comprehensive set of 200 mathematics flash cards designed to help your child learn and master the maths topics for a full year of the mathematics curriculum.

Get Ahead Home Activities Pack: Home Activities Pack contains a series of downloadable PDF files designed to reinforce various topics in the Get Ahead Maths Flash Cards. The pack contains: Tables (+ – × ÷) and Tests, Maths in the Real World, and Nets Cutouts. The Get Ahead Home Activities Pack is a available to download here for free. Customers are sent a link to the Home Activities Pack to download at the time of ordering any set of Get Ahead Flash Cards.

Learn more about the Get Ahead Maths Journey.

What is the meaning behind 'Get Ahead'?

Our mission at Get Ahead Flash Cards is to help primary-school aged children to build confidence and a strong foundation in mathematics. We want kids to excel in maths and advance their maths skills to reach their full potential.

Once children have a solid foundation in maths and have mastered the maths content of their current year level, we encourage them to aim to 'get ahead' of their current year by mastering (ideally) 2 years ahead and maintaining that lead. For example, at the start of Year 3 (Naplan Year), it would be good for kids to aim to have finished the Year 4 flash cards. Because the flash cards are easy-to-use and an efficient way to learn maths, this is an achievable target.

How to use the separator card?

To use the separator card labelled 'Mastered', place the separator card at the back of the flash cards. Once your child has successfully mastered a flash card, place it behind the separator card. Continue working through the flash cards until your child has mastered all of the flash cards.

Why do we provide times tables up to 12 times tables?

Time tables (multiplication and division) are only covered up to 10 times tables under the latest Australian Mathematics Curriculum (Version 9). However, we have provided times tables in the Get Ahead Home Activities up to 12 times tables. This is because knowing up to 12 times tables are useful when performing calculations, such as time (e.g. 60 seconds in a minute) and angles (e.g. 360° in a circle), which are multiples of 12.